"As a first-time home buyer, I was really nervous about the process. Dealing with River's End was excellent. Every issue was addressed. The remodel is beautiful. The communication & professionalism of Kim & Chris (realtor) exceeded expectations. Thank you for such a great job on my new home!"

Jessica L - Buyer

"Dear Frank, Frank & Kim,

I wanted to remark on your wonderful work on a house next door to me. My neighbor had told me how happy she was with selling her home to you. She stated that what you paid was a remarkable amount! Your transformation of this particular home was imaginary, thorough, and exceptionally beautiful. Thankfully, you have raised the value of all nearby homes and also managed to sell the house at a reasonable price. [Your workers] were friendly, professional, and courteous of neighbors all around. I know I will tell anyone that wants to sell their home to call you. They can know they will deal with an honest and respectable company and will not be cheated. You should be proud of achievements such as this house. Thank you again.”

Bev - Neighbor

“[River's End Properties] has been most professional and handled everything with a sense of urgency. Exceeded ALL of my expectations. Got me out of my situation when I thought I had no other way out. Finally, there was someone looking out for my best interests! People in my situation need to know that there is a way out and there are people who can help – River's End Properties are it!”

T. Vega - Seller

"I always enjoy working with River's End Properties; they value quality work & integrity above saving a buck, they are honest, and they  are always very streamlined and organized. I personally look forward to working with them for many years to come."

Paul S. - Contractor